
Cardiology colleagues talking in a hallway

At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center's Heart and Vascular Center在美国,心脏团队的专家采用团队的方式来护理病人.

“当你的病人来找我们做心血管护理时, they won't receive care from only one cardiologist," states Michael N. Young, MD, FSCAI, RPVI, 十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医学中心的介入心脏病专家,十大博彩推荐排名盖泽尔医学院的医学助理教授. "Instead, 他们将由几个心脏亚专科和其他非心脏专科的专家团队包围和支持."

心血管专科医生共同护理冠状动脉疾病患者, valve disease, pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic shock, cardioembolic stroke, 高危妊娠和成人先天性心脏病. They also work with teams in other hospitals, 特别是在为病人做心脏移植手术做准备的时候.

According to Dr. Young, 谁是心导管实验室和结构性心脏病项目的主任, this collaborative care "reassures patients, 鼓励患者和他们的护理团队共同决策, 并最终带来优化的患者体验和改善的结果,特别是对于患有严重心脏病的患者."

The benefits of collaborative cardiac care

In a paper published in July 2023, Dr. Young和他的团队强调了心脏团队方法的好处,并提出了心脏团队合作的“五星”模式.

这篇题为“建立和优化跨学科心脏团队”的论文发表在《十大博彩论坛排名》杂志上 心血管血管造影学会杂志 & Interventions.

“研究表明,接受多学科治疗的患者存活率有所提高, 更低的死亡率和达到或超过国家指导方针的结果——我们的内部研究支持这些说法," said Dr. Young. “我们的论文概述了指导我们提供的基于团队的心血管护理的核心原则."

When Dr. 杨和他的同事向病人讲述了他们在跨学科心脏小组的经历, the response was overwhelmingly positive, 许多患者热情地赞扬了他们接受的治疗方法和护理.

“我们的病人最看重的一件事是我们的团队护理方法以及将其带回病人床边的能力," said Dr. Young. "When patients feel supported, 有一群有凝聚力的专家在背后支持, 他们往往有更积极的护理经验和更好的结果.

"There are emerging data that support this claim, and over the years here at Dartmouth, 我们相应地发展了我们的多学科心脏团队."

Our Heart Team model

To address these unique patient needs, 心脏和血管中心已经建立了几个多学科的心脏小组, including:

  • Adult Congenital Heart Disease team
  • Brain Heart team for stroke prevention
  • Cardiogenic Shock team
  • Cardio-Obstetrics team
  • Complex Coronary Artery Disease team
  • Heart Failure/Heart Transplant team
  • 左心房排除治疗房颤组(LEAF)
  • Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT)
  • Structural Heart and Valve Disease team

每个小组定期开会审查和讨论患者病例. This includes considering test and imaging results, research-backed treatment guidelines, 患者偏好和生活方式因素,同时制定基于共识的护理建议.

然后,团队的官方建议提交给患者和家属进行审查和讨论. 在病人和护理团队就治疗方案达成一致之后, the Heart Team implements the plan, collects data and analyzes feedback and outcomes. 目的是评估治疗的成功, patient experience and quality of recommendations.

What happens if someone has a pulmonary embolism?

For example, 如果病人被诊断为肺栓塞, 他们将由一个可能包括以下专业的医生组合的团队来治疗:血管医学, interventional cardiology, critical care and imaging. Together, the team will assess the patient's condition, 回顾可用的手术和非手术治疗方案,制定旨在缓解症状和减少长期并发症风险的治疗计划. After initial treatment is complete, 团队将为患者提供纵向随访护理并分析相关结果.


与瓣膜衰竭相关的严重心力衰竭患者将由心脏外科医生进行检查, 介入心脏病专家和普通心脏病专家. In certain situations, 这个小组可能会扩大到包括晚期心力衰竭的专家, palliative care or other areas in medicine. The team will evaluate a range of treatment options, including valve replacement, ventricular assist devices, medications and other treatment options, with the goal of reducing future complications, 预防住院,提高生活质量.

“有效的心脏护理不能孤立无援,特别是当许多情况需要结合心脏手术的多方面方法时, interventional cardiology, general cardiology, electrophysiology and more," said Dr. Young. "As new cardiac treatment options emerge, 对于心脏病专家来说,共同决定何时以及如何使用这些新疗法是至关重要的. 通过我们的合作和正在进行的研究, 我们的目标是展示我们方法的成功,并鼓励其他医院采用这种模式,以造福患者."


李C,方建军,李素庚,Elmariah S, Grubb KJ, Young MN.  建立和优化跨学科心脏团队. 心血管血管造影学会杂志 & Interventions, Volume 2, Issue 6, 101067.